I used a prescription bottle, a gun drone, and some legos. Think of a gun/equipment locker meets drop pod. This will be a great Ammunition Store Strategem.

This is part of a Batman Happy Meal toy and some tau commander bitz. I will use this for a Sacred Ground Strategem.

OK, this mock-up is a little crude... it will get better. Lots of found bits, and spare model parts in this one. Obviously this will be used for a Medicae Strategem.

This is the top half of my first attempt at a Sensor Tower based of the one by Forge World (found <here>), with a few tau bitz added. This marker could either be a Command Center or Observation Point Strategem.

The base of this is piece is a cap from a can of shaving cream with obligatory tau bitz. This is the Fuel Dump Strategem.

I used the toes from an old model robot, devilfish side hatches, and wooded discs to make this piece. Another obvious one... I'll use this for a Power Generator Strategem.
I really like the look of these. I can wait to see hour they look painted. Excellent work!
ReplyDeleteThanks! I'm glad you CAN wait, cause I'm not sure how soon Ill get these finished!! :)