My gaming group finally started our Dark Heresy campaign last week. We have been very anxious to play, but wanted to finish our D&D campaign first (our second 5-year long campaign to boot - a record!) Some members of my group have even been salivating over a 40K RPG since the original Rogue Trader rules came out in the late 80's (yeah, we're old)!!
I will occasionally post an update to our campaign, but primarily I will be showcasing the figures and models we have been creating for the game. I was the GM for both D&D campaigns, but Adeptus-B will be stepping into that roll for Dark Heresy. He is also an exceptional hobbyist, and will have many contributions in the future.
Adeptus-B and I both have been busy creating an "inventory" of sci-fi figures. I easily have over 1000 figures to represent the various players, adversaries and monsters for a fantasy setting, but only a small handful of characters for a modern or sci-fi setting.
Here are a few examples of Adeptus-B's work...

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