
Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Ordo Bowl '17 Season 2 Round 7 AAR

Final regular season game! As I mentioned in my previous post, I played my round 7 and 8 games out of order. So I played this game, my round 7 game, during week 8.

This is another post that I am writing about 2 weeks from playing the game. Strangely, I remember less of this game than that last game which was played 2 days prior. It could be that this game went into overtime. Oops! Spoilers!

Zorcon's Premiership League Game 8
Zharr'Thrak Seahawks vs Garblat Greenskins (Orcs)

Advancing the ball very early First Half.

In this game I gave up 200k in inducements. My opponent kicked in another 70k to buy the Troll Star Player Ripper Bolgrot, giving the Greenskins a strength advantage.

The Orcs kick-off and we had another game with nice weather. This was a grind fest! I managed to slug that ball up for a TD on turn 8, but it cost me. A Hobgoblin died, and a Journeyman was Seriously Injured.

I kick-off in the second half. I'm down 3 players, and struggle holding the Greenskins at bay. The Orcs get in scoring range and stall. They have the numbers and the strength. I keep trying to put pressure on the ball and force my opponent to score but I don't have enough players able to get in range. Finally the Garblat Greenskins tie up the game on turn 16.

Both the orcs and myself would win a play-off spot with a win, so we agreed to play overtime. Although, I was pretty sure I was going to loose at this point--My dice had gone stone cold, my opponent was rolling really well, and most importantly I would only be able to field 6 players. But if the situation was reversed, I would have been miffed if my opponent bagged out on OT, so I agreed to play another half.

I won the flip and chose to receive the ball. I set up with everyone on one side. My opponent tried to take advantage with a kick to the opposite side of the pitch, but I got a favorable bounce and pushed the ball up to my front line and formed the bast cage I could. It only took 2 tuns for the Greenskins to get the ball away from me and he stalled the rest of the game.

The Zharr'Thrak Seahawks at the end of the season.

I loose in overtime 1-2. I took a beating as well with 1 death and 2 serious injuries.

Final Thoughts
What an epic season! Even though I didn't make the play-offs, I had a blast. However, in hindsight I would have been more frugal re-drafting my team and started this season with a lower TV--I gave up way too much inducements.

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