
Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Risking the Map

Mock game in progress

I have printed a temporary map. I want to play test a couple of games and specific mechanics as well as make sure that all the territories are large enough.

One change I noticed immediately, well actually I didn't notice it but everyone else did, that the font I used for the territory names is too hard to read from across the table. I am on the fence about changing the font. What I have now is perfect stylistically, and in game, functionally, one could point to the territories attacking to and from.

In case you do not recognize the components, I will give a run down:

  • Colored army pieces are from the 1993 Risk set
  • Grey city pieces are form the 2008 Risk set
  • White castle/tower is from LOtR Monopoly set
  • Grey castle/keep is from LOtR Monopoly set
  • Ship is from Pirates of the Caribbean Game of Life
  • Colored "dome" capitol pieces are from the 2008 Risk set
I bough the 2008 Risk game (still available on store shelves). All the other components were bought off eBay on the cheap except for the Caribbean Life game that I picked up at a thrift store for $1.

Why are maps the most comfortable place for a cat to sleep?

So far everything is looking good. I have enough tokens made to run through a game. Having the map in hand at full scale, I already have a bunch of new ideas that will fine-tune some of my floundering mechanics.

Next step is to assemble all of my notes into something that can be referenced in game and play!


  1. Hello,
    Do you already have a something with the rules and the missions and rewards?
    I Have also build the game so I want to know a little bit more about the rules you have made?
    Please let me know.
    Thank you

  2. Hi! Is it possible for you to release the hi-res Risk board once more? The previous links don't work for me. Thank you!
