
Monday, July 22, 2013

What's Ahead

Here is a look at what's to come...

Currently, I have 45 posts drafted in different stages--Some have been scheduled, some have outlines, some have opening statements, some have pictures, and other have a title only. This list is not exhaustive either! There are many more topics in the works.

A moment of reflection...
A look back at one of my favorite cats, Patches (93-08)

I plan to continue to publish at least every three days, if not sooner. It amazes me how perfect this pace is for me. I have been easily able to keep up with the schedule. The only snafu was when I didn't get the posts scheduled during a very busy 2 weeks. 

Even if posts are done and ready to go, I tend not to schedule more than 2-3 at a time. This allows me to add in a new topic, or jockey the order to suit what is going on at that time.

As you may have already seen in recent posts (and from the post titles below) I am adding food and beverage topics in the mix. As a stay at home dad and caregiver I make most of the meals at home. A large portion of the way I cook bounces between "semi-home made", "pantry surprise", and the favorite around here "leftover hash". I enjoy the creative outlet from cooking and I have developed some of my own recipes (or kit bashed an existing one).

Here is a teaser of future posts (not in any particular order):
  • Rogue Trader Character Sheet
  • Grey Knight Character Sheet
  • Only War Character Sheet
  • Black Crusade Character Sheet
  • Deathwatch Squad/Solo-Mode Sheet
  • Daemon Record Sheet
  • Restructuring and Rebuilding the Aquamarines (long and pic heavy)
  • Introducing Deathbot
  • Room Deroration
  • Dungeon Dressing part 1
  • Quick Pickled Pepers
  • Quick Cobbler
  • Salsa
  • African Smoke
  • Have Horse, Will Travel part 2
  • Have Horse, Will Travel part 1
  • Giants Among Us
  • Constructing Elementals part 2
  • Constructing Elementals part 1
  • Wagons Ho!
  • Industrial Building II (AKA Necromunda Terrain)
  • Industrial Building I (AKA Necromunda Terrain)
  • Battle Boards
  • WH40K RPG Character Showcase III
  • WH40K RPG Character Showcase II
  • Arvus Lighter Showcase
  • WH40K RPG Character Showcase I
  • Arbites (counts-as) Rhino Showcase
  • Modern/Sci-Fi Vehicles Showcase III
  • Shipping Containers
  • My Son's Invented Soldiers
  • Modern/Sci-Fi Vehicles Showcase II
  • My Deathwatch Kill Team
  • Crate 'n Barrel
  • Large Gothic Church Ruin
  • Resin Vehicles Project pt1
  • Storage Solutions Part 2
  • Beer Brewing 2013
  • Deathwatch Character Showcase - Salamander Apothecary
  • Deathwatch Character Showcase - White Scars Tactical Marine
  • Deathwatch Character Showcase - Space Wolf Tactical Marine
  • Brewing Soda - Cherry Vanilla Cola
  • Deathwatch Character Showcase - Storm Wardens Librarian
  • 40K BatRep - Tau vs Space Marines
  • Cherry Pie Moonshine
As my fingers march towards my 200th post, I am happy with the journey taken. I look forward to developing my writing skills (and thoughts) to continually improve the experience of this site.

Thanks for following!


  1. You've been stunningly busy lately but that list blows my mind. I've got quite a few drafts clogging the place up, but just that - clogging it up. There's no real order and many if not most will probably never get finished and make it out. I can hardly imagine having this amount planned for posting and on such a range of subjects as well. It looks like being an interesting few months.

    1. Thanks! I am not actually busier now than before--It's my attitude towards the blog. But to be honest, some of the posts I listed above are from projects prior to having this blog, or during the years I wasn't posting much.

      What is working for me is not making this a chore. If I feel like writing, or taking pictures, I do it--But that doesn't mean I have to finish the post.

      If I think of a topic, instead of making a note somewhere, I actually start a new post. Then in the future, when I have the incentive (or material) I add it to the post. Then when I'm done I post it.

      To keep my in progress posts somewhat organized, I predate them 10 years out if it is a current/easy topic and 20 years out if it is a future/difficult topic. That way those drafts do not get lost within near-completed/published/scheduled posts, *and* they stay visible to me (and not forgotten).

    2. I originally named the blog "Zorcon's Word" because I wanted to talk about anything on my mind. But for some reason, early on I locked into only gaming/hobby related topics.

      That is another change to my current attitude, or approach--Anything goes!!

  2. That's a smart approach and a good tip with the scheduling too. I like the idea anything goes. James makes a similar point on getting hemmed in here at The Beat Ronin.
