
Tuesday, February 15, 2011

List Building: Imperial Guard

I have always wanted to make a rag-tag, or eclectic looking IG army. I was never sure quite how to do it (or when I would so), but I have been collecting the models for 15+ years. As evidence, here are a few pics...

The root of the inspiration is the last ditch effort to defend an outpost or some other important location. I envision the force to be comprised of the local enforcers/arbites, remnants of planetary reserves, desperados,  prisoners, conscripts, special forces, kill teams, and elements of the local administratum. Because of our Dark Heresy campaign, I only recently thought about including an inquisitor and/or rogue trader-- either a counts-as company command squad, or an additional inquisitor ally squad.

This is not meant to be any sort of competitive tournament list, just a casual fun list. Except for the 2 chimeras, I have everything listed. The Arvus Lighter is a scratch build project, primarily for use in Dark Heresy.

3000 Pts - Imperial Guard Roster

HQ: Company Command Squad (11#, 375 pts)
Rogue Trader or Inquisitor?

  • 4 Company Command Squad (Carapace Armour; Krak Grenades; Medi-pack; Regimental Standard; Vox Caster; Plasmagun x1)
  • 1 Company Commander (Melta Bombs, Power Fist; Plasma Pistol)
  • 1 Astropath
  • 2 Bodyguard
  • 1 Master of Ordnance
  • 1 Officer of the Fleet
  • 1 Chimera (Turret Heavy Bolter; Dozer Blade; Hunter Killer Missile; Pintle Storm Bolter)
: Ministorum Priest (1#, 60 pts)
  • 1 Ministorum Priest (Eviscerator)
: Techpriest Enginseer (2#, 95 pts)
  • 1 Techpriest Enginsee
  • 1 Servitor Unit (Plasma Cannon x1)
Elite: Kasrkin Squad (11#, 260 pts)
Special Forces?

  • 9 Storm Trooper Squad (Flamer x1; Grenade Launcher x1)
  • 1 Storm Trooper Sergeant (Power Weapon)
  • 1 Chimera (Turret Heavy Bolter; Dozer Blade; Pintle Storm Bolter)
Troops: Infantry Platoon (54#, 492 pts)
Planetary Reserves/Garrison

  • 2 Platoon Command Squad (Vox Caster; Flamer x1) 
  • 1 Heavy Weapons Team (Missile Launcher)
  • 1 Platoon Commander (Power Weapon; Plasma Pistol)
  • 7 Infantry Squad (Vox Caster; Meltagun x1)
  • 1 Heavy Weapons Team (Heavy Bolter)
  • 1 Sergeant (Bolt Pistol)
  • 7 Infantry Squad (Vox Caster; Flamer x1)
  • 1 Heavy Weapons Team (Lascannon) 
  • 1 Sergean
  • 3 Heavy Weapons Squad
  • 3 Heavy Weapons Squad
  • 3 Heavy Weapons Squad
  • 20 Conscripts Squad
Troops: Cadian Squad (10#, 135 pts)
  •  9 Veteran Squad (Demolition Charge; Melta Bombs; Vox Caster; Meltagun x3)
  • 1 Veteran Sergeant (Melta Bombs)
Troops:  Gaunt's Ghost Squad (10#, 142 pts)
  •  9 Veteran Squad (Camo Cloak; Snare Mines; Vox Caster; Plasmagun x1; Sniper Rifle x2)
  • 1 Veteran Sergeant (Camo Cloak; Snare Mines; Bolt Pistol; Power Weapon)
Troops: Penal Legion Squad (10#, 80 pts)
  •  9 Penal Legion Squad
  • 1 Penal Custodian
Troops: Adeptus Arbites Squad [WH] (7#, 152 pts)
Local Law Enforcement

  • 5 Adeptus Arbites Squad [WH] (Flamer x1)
  • 1 Veteran Arbite [WH] (Auspex)  
  • 1 Rhino [WH] (Pintle-mounted Storm Bolter; Searchlight)
Troops: Adeptus Arbites Squad [WH] (7#, 165 pts)
Local Law Enforcement

  • 5 Adeptus Arbites Squad [WH] (Grenade Launcher x1)
  • 1 Veteran Arbite [WH] (Brazier of Holy Fire x1; Auspex)
  • 1 Rhino [WH] (Pintle-mounted Storm Bolter; Searchlight)
Fast Attack: Armoured Sentinel Squadron (3#, 255 pts)
  • 1 Armoured Sentinel (Lascannon)
  • 1 Armoured Sentinel (Lascannon)
  • 1 Armoured Sentinel (Lascannon)
Fast Attack: Rough Rider Squad (5#, 90 pts)

  •  4 Rough Rider Squad (Meltagun x2)
  • 1 Rough Rider Sergeant (Melta Bombs; Plasma Pistol)
Heavy Support: Leman Russ Squadron (3#, 570 pts)
  • 1 Leman Russ Battle Tank (Heavy Bolter Sponsons x2; Dozer Blade; Pintle Storm Bolter) 
  • 1 Leman Russ Battle Tank (Heavy Bolter Sponsons x2; Dozer Blade; Pintle Storm Bolter) 
  • 1 Leman Russ Battle Tank (Heavy Bolter Sponsons x2; Dozer Blade; Pintle Storm Bolter) 
Heavy Support: Arvus Lighter (IA) (1#, 105 pts)
  • 1 Arvus Lighter (IA) (Armoured Cockpit; Flare / Chaff Launcher)
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  1. This is such an awesome idea. Especially if you paint the units differently, then have an occasional helmet paintjob from one unit on a single model on another unit (he picked up a piece of gear from a body to replace his own). You could make them look like they've been through hell and back.

    I look forward to reading seeing your progress on this!

  2. Its so cool to see old models in wrappers that you have stored for 15 years - how did you resist not opening them?

    Its going to be so eclectic but pure awesome. Looking forward to tracking this.

  3. Thanks guys!

    @Rogue: The only unopened box is one of the Russes... it is identical to one I already have... there is no reason to crack the plastic until I am ready to paint it.
