
Friday, February 26, 2010

Recovery Round 3

(Image used without permission)

I am finally home (again) after over a month in the hospital (minus a brief 6-day trip home). This procedure was only supposed to be a 3-4 day stay, but it turned into 3 surgeries, and a total of 12 days in ICU & 23 days in a regular hospital room.

I still have another week or two of recovery at home. During this time, I am not supposed to lift more than 5 pounds, cough, sneeze, sit up more than an hour at a time (or as tolerated), avoid stairs, or do any strenuous activities.

Over this endeavor, I have had many days to ponder my current projects (plus my desired future ones), and when I get back up to "painting strength" I will be re-prioritizing the "work bench que". However, right now the stairs to my garage (and my workbench) are more of a deterrent than my wife is (who stayed home from work to make sure I don't over exert).

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