
Monday, July 6, 2009

My Son's First Game

I played my first game of 40k today with my 6 year old son, Marcus today… well, at least it was a game played with 40K figures. Lets call it 40K (very) light.

Army Lists – Space Marines vs Orks
  1. Each side has 1 commander and two 10-man squads.
  2. No special abilities, equipment, or gear.
  3. Troops have 1 wound (commander has 4).
  4. Troops have 1 attack (commander has 4).
  5. Shooting needs a 5+ to wound (no range limit), Assaulting needs a 4+.
  6. No armor saves.
Rules of Play
  1. The play area is 2’ x 2’ with no terrain.
  2. Player 1 may move one team 4”. If the team comes into contact with another team, they are considered to be assaulting.
  3. Player 1 attacks (either shoot or assault) with one team. Roll dice, take wounds.
  4. Player 2 may move one team 4”. If the team comes into contact with another team, they are considered to be assaulting.
  5. Player 2 attacks (either shoot or assault) with one team. Roll dice, take wounds.
  6. Repeat until only one player has miniatures on the board.
Marcus had a terminator librarian as the commander, and he chose a tactical and an assault squad to bring. I took the Black Reach Assault ork boss, a unit of ork boyz, and a unit of gretchins.

Annihilation was the name of the game, and both sides ran straight at each other.I used a 3” token that we placed in front of the miniature to simplify measuring movement.

The tac squad moved towards the ork boyz, while the gretchins advanced on the assault squad. The tac squad managed to finish off the ork boyz and the ork boss by the time the gretchins finished off the assault squad.

This left the librarian and tac squad vs the gretchins. The gretchins shot at the tac squad, while the librarian advanced and the tac squad returned fire. When the librarian reached the gretchins, there were only 4 left, while the gretchins had only managed to get 3 of the tactical squad. The librarian finished off the remaining ork force, and only took one wound in the process.

Our first game ended with a decisive victory for Marcus. He won with his commander taking only one wound plus 7 men left in the tac squad. Game time: 30 minutes, but what really counts is Marcus had a really good time!!


  1. This is so cool.
    Glad to hear it was a success.

  2. Cool. Indoctrinating them while they're still young. Glad to hear it was fun. :)

  3. I can't wait to do this with my son!

  4. great stuff. I have played a bunch of games with my oldest daughter while incorporating my youngest one in some way or another. Check out
    in the contents is a section children and warhammer.
    keep it up!

  5. That's very cool. My daughter is a few years from being ready for something like this (she's only 2), but you've definitely give me some ideas... :)
