
Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Tau Kill Team Update

I'm pretty late to the party, but I made some progress on my T'au Empire Kill Team for Shadow War: Armageddon. I have only made a little bit of progress since my last update.

Some detail shots of the Shas'uyi, a specialist, and a Recon Drone. I have started adding edge highlighting.

Saturday, November 18, 2017

Regularly Scheduled Programming

Due to computer issues, I will be on hiatus for the time being. Thanks for visiting!

Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Zara the Slayer Conversion WIP

This is a Star Player Blitzer Lilian from Meiko Miniatures that I am repurposing as a Zara the Slayer stand-in.

The entire left arm and lower right arm have been replaced with Dark Elf Corsair arms. She now obviously packs a stake!

Sunday, November 12, 2017

28mm Modern/Sci-Fi Medium Duty Truck Conversion

This is a conversion Adeptus-B made a number of years ago for a Dark Heresy encounter.

It is primarily made from the back half of an Ork War Trakk and the cab of an Imperial Guard Sentinel.

Thursday, November 9, 2017

Generic Aliens for Dark Heresy

I few years ago, I found these 'aliens' at Blizzard's website for $4. They are Zerglings from Star Craft. There were 9 of them in the pack as well as 9 Terran Marines. Not yet sure what I will do with the marines--But I have some ideas. The marines are quite large, about the height of a T'au Crisis Battlesuit, but bulkier.

The aliens came in three positions.

After trimming down the molded base, I glued them to oval 75x45mm MDF bases.

These were easy to paint up. After a base coat, I simply added 3 quick layers of dry-brushing.

Monday, November 6, 2017

Thrud the Barbarian WIP

For some gawd-awful heretical reason, I based Thrud on a non-GW, non-40mm base. All my big guys go on 40mm, but he seemed a bit too narrow.

Here is Thrud between 3e Blood Bowl's Mighty Zug and Mor'n'Thorg. It seems 32mm is a better fit, but my OCD says NO!

Fixed. 40mm base with the perfect casualty. Did I ever mention I hate elves? He is magnetized like all my other Blood Bowl miniatures for ball carrying.

Friday, November 3, 2017

Helmut Wulf Conversion WIP

This is the third attempt at converting a Helmut Wolf. The previous two attempts were slapping on a Rogue Trader era metal Space Marine chain sword in the right hand of a 2e Blood Bowl catcher and thrower respectively.

This *is* the 2e Blood Bowl thrower used in my second attempt. But this time I have used a Meiko Miniatures arm + Chainsaw.  I had to carve away quite a bit of metal on the thrower's shoulder, knee and chest as well as some elements on the chainsaw's reverse side to get the arm/chainsaw to fit the way I wanted.

To make him even more different than his twin brethren thrower, I shaved off the Mohawk on the helmet and added a wire face guard.